在Android项目中,就相对比较复些。因为Android项目中有大量相同的task,它们的名字是基于Build Types和Product Flavors生成。
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
Property Name | Property Type | Description |
name | String | Variant的名字,必须是唯一的 |
description | String | Human readable description of the variant. |
dirName | String | subfolder name for the variant. Guaranteed to be unique. Maybe more than one folder, ie “debug/flavor1” |
baseName | String | Variant输出的基础名字,必须唯一. |
outputFile | File | The output of the variant. This is a read/write property. |
processManifest | ProcessManifest | 处理Manifest的task. |
aidlCompile | AidlCompile | The task that compiles the AIDL files. |
renderscriptCompile | RenderscriptCompile | The task that compiles the Renderscript files. |
mergeResources | MergeResources | The task that merges the resources. |
mergeAssets | MergeAssets | The task that merges the assets. |
processResources | ProcessAndroidResources | 处理并编译资源文件的task. |
generateBuildConfig | GenerateBuildConfig | The task that generates the BuildConfig class. |
javaCompile | JavaCompile | The task that compiles the Java code. |
processJavaResources | Copy | 处理Java资源的task |
assemble | DefaultTask | Variant的标志性assemble task |
Property Name | Property Type | Description |
buildType | BuildType | The BuildType of the variant. |
productFlavors | List |
Variant的ProductFlavor。一般不为空但也允许空值. |
mergedFlavor | ProductFlavor | android.defaultConfig和variant.productFlavors的合并. |
signingConfig | SigningConfig | Variant使用的SigningConfig对象 |
isSigningReady | boolean | true if the variant has all the information needed to be signed. |
testVariant | BuildVariant | 将会测试这个Variant的TestVariant |
dex | Dex | 将代码打包成dex的task。如果这个Variant是个库,这个值可以为空. |
packageApplication | PackageApplication | The task that makes the final APK. Can be null if the variant is a library. |
zipAlign | ZipAlign | The task that zipaligns the apk. Can be null if the variant is a library or if the APK cannot be signed. |
install | DefaultTask | The installation task. Can be null. |
uninstall | DefaultTask | The uninstallation task. |
Property Name | Property Type | Description |
buildType | BuildType | The BuildType of the variant. |
mergedFlavor | ProductFlavor | The defaultConfig values |
testVariant | BuildVariant | The Build Variant that will test this variant. |
packageLibrary | Zip | 用于打包库项目的AAR文件。如果是个库项目,这个值不能为空. |
TestVariant 属性:
Property Name | Property Type | Description |
buildType | BuildType | The BuildType of the variant |
productFlavors | List |
Variant的ProductFlavor。一般不为空但也允许空值. |
mergedFlavor | ProductFlavor | android.defaultConfig和variant.productFlavors的合并. |
signingConfig | SigningConfig | Variant使用的SigningConfig对象 |
isSigningReady | boolean | true if the variant has all the information needed to be signed. |
testVariant | BuildVariant | 将会测试这个Variant的TestVariant |
dex | Dex | 将代码打包成dex的task。如果这个Variant是个库,这个值可以为空. |
packageApplication | PackageApplication | The task that makes the final APK. Can be null if the variant is a library. |
zipAlign | ZipAlign | The task that zipaligns the apk. Can be null if the variant is a library or if the APK cannot be signed. |
install | DefaultTask | The installation task. Can be null. |
uninstall | DefaultTask | The uninstallation task. |
connectedAndroidTest | DefaultTask | 在连接设备上行执行Android测试的task. |
providerAndroidTest | DefaultTask | The task that runs the android tests using the extension API. |
Android task特有类型API:
每个task类型的API的限制,主要是由于Gradle的工作方式和Android plugin的配置方式.
其次,大部分的task的输入都不是单一的,一般都混合了sourceSet,Build Types和Product Flavors.为了保持构建文件的简洁和 可读性,就会让开发者通过DSL语言来修改这些对象来配置构建过程,而不是去深入来修改输入和task的选项。
另外需要注意,除了ZipAlign task外,其它所有类型有需要设置私有数据来使它们运行。这就意味着不可能手动的为这些类型,创建新的task。
对于其他的Gradle task(DefaultTask, JavaCompile, Copy, Zip),请参考Gradle文档。